農村輕旅行DIY Experience


採茶製茶體驗 Green Tea Making   6人成行每人200元


Roast tea with your own hands.  Please book three days prior.


  • 茶凍雕體驗 Tea Jelly DIY   6人成行每人200元限定三吋


    The jelly is very crystal clear, beautiful and fun, create your ownunique jelly flower. Come to the Lyu Ye tea farm experience!

  • 繽紛茶凍彩繪體驗 Colorful Tea Jelly DIY   6人成行每人200元限定三吋


    Give play to the intention, painting jelly with chocolate suitable for children 12 under experience!
    DIY for tea jelly sculpture requires time for ingredient preparation. Please book three days prior.